Joined: February 16, 2008
Posts: 7
Posted: Post subject: Im upset because my family are mean to me I wish my life |
could be the way Sophie Lancaster's was before she died her family diden't mind the way she dressed but mine hate it. My brother is especialy mean to me about the way I dress he's worried that having a goth sister ruins his image. He is also just hates goths full stop see's them as mean nasty dirty people. He also dosen't want me near his daughter because I hit him while I was holding her and because he dosen't want her assosiated with a goth. My brother is so nasty and my family never go agaisn't him they just go agaisn't me and give me such nasty abuse and call me such alful names. Not long ago my brother had gone really nice to me and was talking about how loverly I was and how great I was with his baby daughter but now he's gone back to the old days except even worse. My dad is nasty to me and thinks Im weired because Im nearly 22 and never had a serious boyfriend. My sister thinks that I should have grown out of the goth stage by now. WHY COULDN'T MY LIFE HAVE BEEN LIKE SOPHIE LANCASTER'S WAS AND WHY CAN'T I LOOK LIKE SOPHIE LANCASTER. My family hate the way I dress because they think it stops me getting a boyfriend but I hate them thinking that because all the goth girls I see all have goth boyfriends. I'am the only goth girl without a goth boyfriend and I'am also the only goth girl who dosen't wear make up. Im crap at putting it on and it makes me itch and come out in a rash.